>>> Sharp Security Services | >>> Pasban Vigilance  



In the present fast changing security environment of the World, SECURITY has gained paramount importance and provision of security services has become a specialized affair. Almost all the existing companies of the country are specializing in any one of the field of wider security spectrum. It may include provision of physical security, alarm systems, security cameras or tracking systems etc... While each one of them is important but ONE comprehensive fool proof solution is the demand of time. Same can only be provided by an organization having capacity and speciality in more than one of the above mentioned fields.

SIMS Security Solutions is one of the leading security services organizations in Pakistan and provides comprehensive Security Services.
Our mission is to develop an everlasting as well as blossoming relationship with our clientele. We strongly believe that only by offering a wide range of products of good quality and by exquisite customer care we will be in a mutually beneficial bonding with our customers leading all stake holders to success.
Our primary operations encompass;

      a)    Security through pre-emptive Alarm Equipments
    Trained Security Guards with Licensed Weapons
    Tracking Equipment and Services
    Security surveillance and post operation analysis of security arrangement through
       fixed/remote cameras etc

SIMS Security Solutions uses the capacity and capability of its sub concerns i.e Sharp Security Services (Pvt.) Limited & Pasban Vigilance (Pvt.) Limited for extending high quality and efficient services to the satisfaction of our valued clients.




Sharp Security Services


Pasban Vigilance


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