>>> Sharp Security Services | >>> Pasban Vigilance  



Operation Methodology

Main features of our operation methodology are:

      a) All guards are equipped with licensed weapons and equipment as permitted by the 
In order to maintain communications within limited premises , one to one walkie-talkie
    sets are provided and for communication with central control room cell phones are used.
Mobile Quick reaction Response teams can be arranged on client’s demand.
Our control room is in constant touch with local police authorities for manual assistance
    whenever the need arises. All guards are trained to call for emergency police squads in the
    shortest possible time under emergency environments.
Ensure special collaboration for on call arrangement with at lest 3 other Security  
    Companies in town who can rush their backups (armed guards) whenever asked for. This
    arrangement provides us with a formidable force to prevent/suppress/combat a criminal
Our staff and employees are well conversant with and trained in negotiation skills and can 
   affectively negotiate their way through towards de-escalation/diffusion of crises situations
    like forced entries.


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